Addiction scoring

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2013 in Feature Requests
Hi there.

I'm not sure I understand the scoring scheme on Addiction - One game I played recently, I scored about 32, but I got every card in the right place except for about five. To me, if I get 52 points for a complete deck, then I should get somewhere in the high forties for getting most cards in the right place, not the low thirties!

Also, I'm wondering if you could alter the game to have infinite shuffles, and it saves the number of shuffles with the score, this would give more credit to the people now who can solve a game in only one or two shuffles, and would still help people like me who can't solve most games (My last game I scored about 6 points!)

I know this would be a lot of work, but that might be most easily achieved by setting the base score as 52, then taking away from that the score that the player has, while adding ten points (for example) for each shuffle, so if you solve the game in no shuffles, you get 0 points, but if you give up after two shuffles with (as it is now) a score of 15, then you'd have (52-15)+(10x2) points. Obviously with this scoring scheme, the lowest scores would be the best.



    buar42 wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand the scoring scheme on Addiction - One game I played recently, I scored about 32, but I got every card in the right place except for about five. To me, if I get 52 points for a complete deck, then I should get somewhere in the high forties for getting most cards in the right place, not the low thirties!

    There's a description of the scoring of Addiction here. It is admittedly not perfect.
    Also, I'm wondering if you could alter the game to have infinite shuffles, and it saves the number of shuffles with the score, this would give more credit to the people now who can solve a game in only one or two shuffles, and would still help people like me who can't solve most games (My last game I scored about 6 points!)
    That's an interesting idea. I'm not completely sold on it because people would complain unless it were made very clear that when you took that extra shuffle you would lose some points—I think it might confusing to "win" the game by getting things all lined up but then not getting the full points for it. Another thing we might do is add a game variant for infinite shuffles (which would mean the high scores would be segregated and therefore not unfair to normal Addiction players).
    I know this would be a lot of work, but that might be most easily achieved by setting the base score as 52, then taking away from that the score that the player has, while adding ten points (for example) for each shuffle, so if you solve the game in no shuffles, you get 0 points, but if you give up after two shuffles with (as it is now) a score of 15, then you'd have (52-15)+(10x2) points. Obviously with this scoring scheme, the lowest scores would be the best.
    So, golf normally has a low score (hence the name), but we just do 35-cards_remaining so that the score still goes up. That way the high score tables and back-end database indices don't have to be special. If we were to adopt a new scoring system, we would make sure it matched the rest of the scores on the site.


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