Game is too big!

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2013 in Feature Requests
I love the options of the game, but it is too big. I have to resize the screen every time I play. Also, the 4 empty cell spaces are too close to the 4 aces spaces ~ it's a bit confusing. Can you fix it and make your site perfect??
Thank you!


    dcjoslin56 wrote:
    I love the options of the game, but it is too big. I have to resize the screen every time I play. Also, the 4 empty cell spaces are too close to the 4 aces spaces ~ it's a bit confusing. Can you fix it and make your site perfect??
    Thank you!
    We try to make it so the game fits of the screen, whatever size it is. When the program guesses that wrong, you can always override it--look for the card sizes menu at the top of the screen. It should then remember that size on that computer for next time you play.

    We would love to know what browser you are playing with and what size you normally keep your screen--it sounds like we are guessing wrong in your case.


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