
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: freecell
Game #: 554158168
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.59.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.9 Safari/534.59.8

Please describe the problem in detail: The default card size appears to be "Ludicrous" which means to play a game, you have to change it to "Large" which wastes time! Also, sometimes, clicking on a card to move it doesn't work then if you click again it moves 2 cards! This could, of course, be my computer's fault - is a 2 year old iMac running Snow Leopard. I'm still playing games but it is a bit frustrating sometimes. Thank you Christopher McLeod (chris mcleod) :)


    The default card size appears to be "Ludicrous" which means to play a game, you have to change it to "Large" which wastes time!

    The default card size should be "automatic". That tries to make the game fit on your screen without being too small. We tried to make the guess be as good as possible, but there's probably still room for improvement. Try making your browser window a little bigger or smaller and see how that affects the card size (if you have it set to automatic).

    The game should remember whichever card size you pick so that when you come back later the cards are the same size. If this is not the case, let us know.

    Zooming can affect this sometimes, so make sure you are not zoomed in or out: go to the "View" menu and select "Actual Size".
    Also, sometimes, clicking on a card to move it doesn't work then if you click again it moves 2 cards! This could, of course, be my computer's fault - is a 2 year old iMac running Snow Leopard. I'm still playing games but it is a bit frustrating sometimes.
    A 2 year old iMac should be able to run Green Felt with no problems. Are you running anything else in the background that could be making the computer slow? Make sure to quit the programs you aren't using—they use memory even if they are hidden or you don't have any of their windows open and that could possibly slow things down.


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