
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2013 in Feature Requests
Please, please can we have a "forgot my password" choice for login. I'm about to register for the fourth time. Yes it's my fault but I don't suppose I'm the only one.


    Geofc3 wrote:
    Please, please can we have a "forgot my password" choice for login. I'm about to register for the fourth time. Yes it's my fault but I don't suppose I'm the only one.
    The only reason we don't do that already is that we don't take your email address when you sign up. We thought that asking for your email was a bit intrusive for our silly game site. :-) But that makes "I lost my password" hard, because how do you reset it without an email address to send the message to?

    Jim and I have been considering a "log in with facebook" button, or something similar so that you don't have to remember a password at all. We'd be interested to know what people think of that.

    In your particular case you seem to have 4 users:
    1. geofc
    2. Geofc2
    3. geofc3
    4. Geofc4

    The capitalization matters (currently--we'd like to change that in the future since it can be confusing). The passwords are all the same.


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