
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: canfield
Game #: 1490980256
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31

Please describe the problem in detail:There is a problem where the base card can be covered by other cards instead of being put up. That is the card that acts like an ace can be covered instead of going top side.


    There is a problem where the base card can be covered by other cards instead of being put up. That is the card that acts like an ace can be covered instead of going top side.

    So, I did some rules research this weekend and they mostly agree that the base foundation card should be put up to the foundation whenever they become available to play (most of the rules do not imply this is optional).

    Interestingly, I noticed that while all the rules explicitly say that the foundations wrap (ace goes on top of king), none of them mention wrapping in the tableau (it, putting a king on an ace). That always seemed implied to me, so that's how we wrote it, but I'm wondering if that is incorrect... It's hard to find very specific, definitive rules.

    More importantly, I noticed during my rules review that the way we do the 3 card turnover is incorrect. There should be a "hand" pile where the 3 cards turn over (only the top available to play) but the discard pile is distinct from the hand and also has its top card available to play.

    So the 1st point doesn't seem too bad to me since it's an obviously bad move to do that. Yeah we let you, but you shouldn't ever do it if you're paying attention. Nonetheless I'm marking that as a bug so it gets fixed. The 2nd and 3rd points seem to me to drastically change the difficulty of the game and so it might be that we have to add a new variant so that you can't replay old games with the new rules (since the rules would be different enough to be unfair).


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