Can you do it?

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: sht
Game #: 1

Could you make a mode where you can start with an empty board and put cards wherever you wanted and after placing all 52 returning the corresponding seed?


    Guest wrote:
    Could you make a mode where you can start with an empty board and put cards wherever you wanted and after placing all 52 returning the corresponding seed?
    That's an interesting question. My first instinct is that it isn't going to be mathematically possible to go backwards from a set of cards to a shuffle number, and to exhaustively search for a matching shuffle order would be very slow (or take a whole lot of CPU time, depending on your point of view).

    However, it might be possible to do this another way. Presumably you want to share the shuffle you hand pick with other people. Jim and I have talked about shuffle numbers that are computed differently in the past, but haven't had a good enough use case to make all the necessary changes.

    May I ask what the purpose would be?


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