what happened to compareing scores of other players?

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2012 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 874601304

the the scoreing of compareing the scores has disapperd from my play did some thing wromg or is happening to all players. klondike solitaire card games is the games that i am asking about.


    I don't know if you noticed all the 504 Gateway errors that have been happening since Sunday... Turns out those were caused by the code responsible for giving you games that other people have played but that you haven't.

    We've (sadly) temporarily disabled that code to make the site work at all. As a side effect you'll play random games and rarely see other players.

    We don't like this and we're really sorry about it. We feel that feature it key to making the site feel competitive and full of people. We'll work on getting working again soon (without it bringing the entire site down).


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