I would like to have more shuffles in Addiction

edited August 2012 in Feature Requests
Game: addiction
Game #: 913967386


    This is a double edged sword. We've always striven for simplicity in greenfelt, reasoning that overloading each game with options makes the interface more complicated. The downside is that users don't always have exactly what they want. We would like to eventually add some sort of options interface that'll let you tweak things to your hearts content.

    There's also a question of scoring... If you chose 5 shuffles in Addiction, you shouldn't show up on the same high score table as the people who only had 3 shuffles (that just wouldn't be fair). So we've worried that splitting off high score tables like that would split the user base too much. I've always felt it's no fun showing a high score table where you're the only person listed--it makes the site feel empty... But... the site has been getting an unprecedented amount of people using it lately, so perhaps it's time to rethink our position.


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