2 cards at a time

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2012 in Bug Reports
2 cards turn at the same time instead of a single card.

they tell you to report a problem but when you do there's nobody to help you. I have yet to get a response .


    Latulipe wrote:
    2 cards turn at the same time instead of a single card.

    they tell you to report a problem but when you do there's nobody to help you. I have yet to get a response .
    I'm sorry for not responding. Jim and I tend not to respond when we have nothing satisfying to say. We absolutely read everything that anyone posts, and talk amongst ourselves about the trickier bugs we haven't figured out yet.

    I can't reproduce the problem you are seeing (which makes it really tough to fix). This happens when you click on the deck in Klondike to get a new card? Does it consistently turn 2 at once or is does it work sometimes?

  • As I said I'm playing single turn but the deck turns 2 cards. It happens 75% of the time. So I have to click on redo so I can see this second card. I don't know if I make myself clear. Bear with me because I'm more confused by the minute.
    Because of this problem it takes me forever to play a game and I don't win as often now. Thank you for trying to help. Odette

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