card size

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited July 2012 in Feature Requests
I have a new computer, different OS from previously. It used to be I could select the card size once and for all. Now, I select everyday, after shutting down and after certain downloads, etc. Any way to get back to permanent selection unless I want to deliberately reset it?
Thanks for all you do. :D


    SinkChair wrote:
    I have a new computer, different OS from previously. It used to be I could select the card size once and for all. Now, I select everyday, after shutting down and after certain downloads, etc. Any way to get back to permanent selection unless I want to deliberately reset it?

    We use cookies to remember your card size selection. If for some reason your cookies are disabled, or they get cleared out when you close your browser, then Green Felt won't remember the settings.


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