
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2012 in Feature Requests
Game: pyramid
Game #: 1814252134

Games don't allow for strategy. All I do is click on stack. Sometimes it is more advantageous to play one card over another, but game doesn't allow you to choose.


    holmalf wrote:
    Games don't allow for strategy. All I do is click on stack. Sometimes it is more advantageous to play one card over another, but game doesn't allow you to choose.
    If there is a choice then you can drag the card from the stack to the one you want to remove explicitly, instead of just clicking and hoping the game chooses for you (the game is dumb and probably won't pick the card you want). You can also drag cards within the pyramid to each other if there any matches there.

    Personally I like pyramid but I do find that it's a visually unique game that doesn't offer a lot of choices per game. If you haven't already, try golf. It's similar in that you try to clear out the cards from the tableaux, but it seems to offer more choices during the game leading to a lot of variations in the scores for a particular play.


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