Hopeless feature requests

This all may have been asked for already but these are my requests...
1. an undo button
2. the ability to replay the same game
3. an explanation of the scoring. Are the high scores that are displayed for the game that I'm playing or are they just high scores for all games? I'd like to be able to see the scores for the game displayed and whether anyone removed all the blocks (i.e. won the game).


  • 1 - The UNDO button is next to the PAUSE button
    2 - Jot down the game number, you can then enter it into GAME# to play again and again, ad infinitum
    2 - The high scores are, indeed, for the game you played, it says so - the GAME number
    All of the games have RULES they are under SHOW RULES

  • To Ptwonpapa : Hopeless doesn't have an undo button like the other games. The game number only shows after you finish so yes, you need that number to replay. I am not certain, but I do not believe you can remove all the blocks. High scores remove the greatest number of blocks.

  • AH! ERROR - I assumed the "hopeless" was the REQUST not the GAME
    Sorry @7-of-9 , thanks @Fireweed

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