On the Leader Board, continuously show the number of players who have played each game.

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What would you like to see?

It's always interesting to see how many players played a Game of The Day when we finish that game, but I don't see a way to bring up the latest number without playing a "dummy" game. Maybe add a field to the right of the game name to show the current totals when the screen is updated/reloaded, perhaps something like this:

(Text shades are just examples - pick something in your palette. The numbers are made up.)
After all, it's one thing to make the Top 10 in a game with 1,000+ players (Freecell) compared to, say, Spider (20-ish?). It's also a way to show which games are popular and how popular this website is.


  • Interesting idea for a game stat.

  • anglaisanglais REGISTERED
    edited January 3

    Ditto @sierrarose...like the idea of seeing how many members played a particular game.
    Also, the question that often comes up from new members is "which games would be right for them...easiest to win so to speak". Something like @TortoiseK suggestion may help new players determine which games are more ideal for them, example...if there are thousands of players yet few wins or scores on the board then its probably a tough game...not for them at this stage of learning or getting used to. The usual conception for a new player is ... if there are not many scores on the is board it's because not many people are playing that game...which we know, is not necessarily true.

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