Any Reply to my please move "Solitaire"

Game: klondike
Game #: 344193190
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
Window: 1024x679
JS-Version: 2024-11-05_18:40:16_8224a7bea5cc766a9bd2c7cf85b5a3d771d6f46a

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Hi asked if "Solitaire" could be moved from horizontal above the playing field to vertically on the side of the playing field to add additional space for long card columns. Possible?


  • I guess I was waiting for a reply from the technical staff is this change could be made seems pretty simple and just adds a little more length for the cards

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited November 17

    Hi @Felton if a technical solution isn’t available, maybe these suggestions will help?
    1. If you have a mobile device, play on a vertical not horizontal screen
    2. Changing the size of the cards will give you more screen space. This can be done by clicking on the game’s drop down menu and selecting the ‘deck size’ option

  • I’ve run into that issue before when long columns get cramped. Depending on the version you’re using, some games let you adjust the layout in the settings, but not all. I’ve found that a few third-party versions give more flexibility with moving things around. If you’re stuck with the default setup, sometimes just resizing the window helps a little. It’s a bit of a workaround, but it can make the game feel less squished.

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