Moving cards from the completed position.

Game: freecell
Game #: 787158164
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JS-Version: 2024-09-27_12:24:38_-0700_45dda11227ca6ad087bd32e546224e833efa6549

What would you like to see?

I play another version of Freecell and in that version I can move cards back from the completed position into playing position if needed. In this version of Freecell you cannot move a card from the completed position unless you use the undo button, which in most cases is too late because the undo button may need to undo many moves to get the card you need. So lets say I have a card in a freecell that I need to bring down to open up that cell but in order to do that I need a card that has already been moved up to the completed position. In the other version I would simply bring down a card from completed position the move the card from the freecell down onto the card I just brought back into play.

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