Can't play!

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2006 in Bug Reports (Resolved)

Love your site.... For the past two days I have been unable to play any games (Klondike and Sirtet are my usuals, but no others are working either). Everything appears to be fine with the site-- I can navigate, go to your message boards, the leader board-- even to games. But there are no cards, and I can't seem to tinker my way out of it. Just miles of green felt. I LIKE the green felt, but it's less fun without the cards.

I hope this isn't a problem on my end. I see no explanation for it being so....

I'm running Mac OS 10.4.6 (power PC), Safari 2.0.3.

Many thanks in advance for any help you could give me....

All the best,
Brad (badly)


    badly wrote:

    Love your site.... For the past two days I have been unable to play any games (Klondike and Sirtet are my usuals, but no others are working either).

    Hmm. I did upload some new code in the past two days, but over here Safari is working (I do all my development on my mac, though ususally in Firefox).

    Have you tried holding down shift while reloading the page (this forces a complete clean reload)?

    If that doesn't work, it would be helpful to know more about what kind of error you are getting. Safari has a hidden feature where you can turn on some debug stuff. If you could enable this feature and then copy and paste the errors you get so I could see it, it would help me figure it out.

    To turn the debug menu on in Safari, first quit Safari and then open Terminal (in the Utilities folder) and paste the following line in:
    defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

    When you relaunch Safari there should be a new menu to the right of the "Help" menu. In that menu is an item called "Show Javascript Console". Turn that on then go to a greenfelt page that doesn't work. If there is an error it should show up in the console. Copy and paste it here and it'll really help me figure out what's going on.

    If you want to turn the debug menu off again, open Terminal again and paste this in:
    defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 0
    badly wrote:
    I LIKE the green felt, but it's less fun without the cards.
    :-) Yeah, sorry about that!

  • David,

    Thanks so much for the thorough response, I really appreciate it. I've been out of town with no time to act on your advice, but today logged on and voila! It works. So-- all is well. Thanks again, take care, and nice job.

    No problem. I'm glad to hear it's working.


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