Offensive player name

Game: klondike3
Game #: 621436721
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
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JS-Version: 2024-06-09_16:14:27_-0700_d9fd059e23755822b8060fac72b5d3d4cf822e9d

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

There is a new player with the name "cucksterlovespussy"
please delete his account.


  • Sorry it Kucksterlovespussy
    with a "K"

  • are u sorry it doesn't start with a "c"? are u against love? do u hate pussy? are u mad becuz kuckster doesnt love u??? what exactly is ur problem and why should someone be deleted becuz of it?


    Thanks @Yolo240, we've dealt with it.

  • This is a game not a political platform folks with political usernames should restrain from making their point obvious. Take your opinions somewhere else I for one would like to tune the current events of the day for a little while

  • So the heck what! GET OVER IT! Who are YOU? The "solitary" Police? Why do the rest of us have to live by YOUR standards? Your Rules? You seem to be the ONLY Prude on here WITHOUT A sense of Humor! Get OVER YOURSELF. Live and Let Live! What a dickbreath!

  • Oh wow. Some people do get so worked up.

  • No manners typical just can’t take it.

  • Crude never makes a site better-kindness probably does. Thanks for choosing restraint.

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