Placement of the aces
Game: klondike
Game #: 1239788629
What would you like to see?
Please put the Aces back to the top. It is much easier to glance up to see. On the side, you have to look over to the side which can cause dizziness if done quickly and repeatedly. Also, they crowd the card you have up to play. Just go back to the way it was, please. Thanks.
I hate the new aces placement system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please return the aces to their proper place at the top-right of the layout. After years and tens of thousands of games, I am deeply trained to expect them in that old place.
Please make it possible to have the aces back on top. This putting the aces to the side I find challenging. Kindly give the option, this is not fun having to adjust
Absolutely!!!!!! Please Please Please!!!!