
CAN'T READ YOUR OWN Numbers look up the game by Numbers
DiamondDave 2024/02/06 3:03pm 52 152 1m14s
3 djc8415 2024/02/06 1:50pm 52 144 2m8s
4 Ianonymous 2024/02/06 12:30am 52 141 2m40s
5 jamzilla 2024/02/06 9:55am 52 163 4m34
Game of the day has no end.
these games are computer designed NOT RANDOMLY DEALT.
So why bother.4 My real time and score jamzilla 2024/02/06 2:42pm 52 138 1m35s
so I was relly second. So whats the use

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