New Pyramid Scoring

It looks as if the top Pyramid scores are now a combination of number of cards removed, least number of moves to get there, and fastest time, weighted in that order?

I think it is making winning the games a little more interesting. I'm curious as to whether there's a story behind making this change.


  • I just realized I clicked on "Moves," which I never had before despite my years of hanging out here.

    It did bring up a bunch of different people with top scores than I'm used to seeing, so I think I'll use it as an option on games where pretty much everyone gets the same score, since it adds another dimension to consider.

  • You can improve your position by making fewer moves. Don't play all the cards. I've beat Sassafras many times. Go back and check previous games, you'll see me on top.

  • That's great! :-)

    The scores are meant to be broken and it's fun to challenge each other.

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