New Pyramid Scoring
It looks as if the top Pyramid scores are now a combination of number of cards removed, least number of moves to get there, and fastest time, weighted in that order?
I think it is making winning the games a little more interesting. I'm curious as to whether there's a story behind making this change.
I just realized I clicked on "Moves," which I never had before despite my years of hanging out here.
It did bring up a bunch of different people with top scores than I'm used to seeing, so I think I'll use it as an option on games where pretty much everyone gets the same score, since it adds another dimension to consider.
You can improve your position by making fewer moves. Don't play all the cards. I've beat Sassafras many times. Go back and check previous games, you'll see me on top.
That's great! :-)
The scores are meant to be broken and it's fun to challenge each other.