same games

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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Why do I get the same games day after day? Aren't there any new ones?


  • Hi @jetrues click on the ‘new game’ button on the top left above the game

  • @jetrues perhaps you are getting to the site by clicking on a bookmark that incorporates a game number?

  • Not only the same games over and over, but I'm the only one playing them. And then there's the other problem of only getting games with 1, 2, or 3 players. Something's wrong with the game allocation programming.

    edited October 2023

    @jetrues and @Fahrenheit This happens to all of us, after playing so many of the same games in a row. Click on the New Game button to see if that works or refreshing the page works even better. You can click on the High Scores button to see if you've played a game before.

    As well, there are a billion of each game, on this site. So, the vast majority of games have never been played, despite the perseverance and determination of many of the players on this site, myself included.

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