remove user

There is a user with the name "Trump must die". He needs to be removed and denied access. Users with any similar names should also be removed. The secret service should be notified in the event this is a deranged individual with illegal intent.



    We don't deny people access based on the names they've chosen, the worst we do is censor them. We're certainly not notifying the secret service of anything, lol. I'm not even sure this crosses the line for censorship frankly, though it skirts right up against it. If we censor this one we could also arguably censor all the "FJB" names, too.

    I really hate all the political names and have half a mind to just ban them all. But I think that's probably way too heavy handed. Jim and I try to have a real light touch.

  • I'm really sick of the political names as well. Is there some way to program in "Please choose another user name" when Biden or Trump get put in the name? I come here for a break from the real world and for fun, and these folks, whichever way they lean, throw a wrench in that, and often in an unfortunately rude way. But I do appreciate your commitment to the light touch.

  • PtownpapaPtownpapa REGISTERED
    edited September 2023

    As long as social mores continue to deteriorate and beliefs are based on whatever makes you happy we will continue to live in the world of "Marching Morons".

    It's getting harder everyday to IGNORE because turning the other cheek just tells "THEM "
    they are right and OK and on the right side (define "them" "right" "OK" and "right side" at your leisure/as you want)

  • Without tipping my own political persuasion, I'll just note that it gives me a little thrill whenever I beat one of the players with a political name I disfavor. Gotta take your wins where you can.

  • Yeah, censorship is a bad idea but a better idea is urging people not to use profanity or plainly offensive speech. That's about all you can do. I agree with zdensternen, I just try to beat those that are offensive.

  • On the issue of censorship!!!! Bill Gates has finally come out with what I personally have thought for so many years. Abuse of a privledge cause one to loose it!!!! The internet exploded with so much abuse!!! There are religious people calling for the (American citizens) total destruction of the U S. Pogo ended up having to sell because of one person pushing gutteral slime. I know daily conversation is different than a person's handle. Yes, like other posts have said, time is here to have an intellegent dialoque on the subject---do not correct my spelling , I know how to spell the cat is walking on my keyboard ----Dinger 1

  • OH!!!!! I just read Bill Mahre's new book "What this Comedian Said Will Shock You" ! Now for the disclaimer. Mahre uses trashy language to get attention,,,we have to over look that, But het his book. I am in to the 1st 50 pages and all of you can not believe the stupidity that congress has fallen into. I do not know what the rest of the book will be but He does tell it like it is,,,,I have a saying,,,"Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Get it" If anyone wants a moderate discussion on problems let me know how we can conect. I am a moderate with just a click to the left, but the moderate right has much I agree with. We have to work together....No one is raising the alarm of nuclear war and the total desruction of the U S by russia, china, and iran,,,,,,,someone had better raise the alarm, it is coming. Unlike WWII, U S can be attacked and it won't be pretty. hate to point all this out, but feel everone here are really good people. Dinger 1

  • etravis, you can try appealing to David and Jim but as David indicated, they don't intend to do squat about users like that in the name of their "light touch". This is a recurring issue and people complain every few weeks but they simply refuse to do anything, I guess because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or something. LOL The most they'll do is put little hearts over some of the letters in the name but that's about it. Don't expect much from them in that respect. They're usually too busy simply keeping the game boards going, really. It's up to us to control ourselves (which we don't or we wouldn't have offensive names). Such is life.

  • When I notice names that seem atrocious...I sometimes think of the stupid things I did as an adolescent. These names are usually made by individuals who have not yet reached maturity and are searching for ways of attracting attention in a shocking and secretive manner. Hope is on the horizon...they will someday reach maturity and become successful members of society. In the meantime...have patience...the road to maturity is sometimes long and difficult,,,but it will come eventually.

  • Hi @Ptownpapa, we have slightly different views on this topic...nevertheless I understand and agree with a lot of your reasoning and reaction.
    I believe it depends on the reasons for posting those outrageous names. If they are adolescence they will do it to achieve some type of reaction which simply encourages them to do it again...any reaction will be proof to them that they have an enjoyable way of teasing some people and they will continue it until there is no reaction.
    As for the more mature individual, set in their beliefs, this is a good place to publicly reveal their true thoughts yet in secrecy...don't know if having no reaction would help, however, no harm in giving it a shot.

  • Very well put, @anglais ! It is, more or less, a call for attention and the best thing to do is not to play along and encourage such. Btw, this kind of thing is everywhere on the internet, these days, so it's not surprising to find it on this relatively quiet, unoffending website.

  • I have no problem with political user names that express support for a candidate, even if some of them make me gag (e.g. "TrumpIsHoly"). On the other hand, anything that is vulgar or suggests violence should not be allowed, IMHO, even if it is disguised with cute heart emojis or some such thing.

  • Hi @Sage, nice to hear from you...thanks.

    @MNLinda I think Jim and David, like most organisations, are faced with the problem of allowing free speech for everyone. I agree with you about vulgarity and violence and glad I'm not the one who has to sure not everyone has the same opinion as myself as to what is acceptable and what is not. Those cute heart emojis are a good compromise for now until something better comes least when we see them we know what is behind them.

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