why do you allow the F word to appear in the user names?

Game: klondike
Game #: 1951815845
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Window: 1353x607
JS-Version: 2023-08-15_18:14:10_-0700_308068885e5b6b040c4c84bbb4100dbfe8c36eac

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • read what it says above

  • David & Jim are very good about hiding offensive names. Send either of them a private message indicating the name, where and when you saw it and they will take care of it. DO NOT post it here. They try to monitor the site, but both of them have full time jobs and families, with minimal help running this site.


    We don't preemptively censor stuff because it's so easy to get that wrong and start accidentally censoring stuff that shouldn't be (see the "Scunthorpe problem").

    If you see something for us to censor, report it to us. Even just posting from the "report a bug" link is usually fine—in this case I clicked the "Game #" link above and looked at the high scores and saw the one you were most likely referring to. It's now censored.

    A private message is totally fine, but I'm also fine with publicly posting here as long as you don't put the offensive name in the subject line (since that shows up on the forum's front page and in the Green Felt "Messages" menu).

  • Thanks David !

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