list of all games for yourself
Game: addiction
Game #: 1924946947
have the ability to see all the games that a single person (maybe just the person logged in) has completed - both successfully and unsuccessfully.
Yes, sometimes I'd like to know the percentage of won vs. lost games, but then
I'd also look just to see how much time I've wasted playing these silly games.
But then again, maybe it's better NOT to know!
“Wasted” is such an ugly word @kat14! 😬
How ‘bout “invested” or “savored”?
I’d be interested in being able to see individual results like average position by your preferred metric, number of Top 10s and first place finishes. “Why” is because now you only see your standing at the point in time when you finished. If that happens to be early in the hour, you don’t know how well your score held up. (Not that it matters in any significant way…)
It could also be cool to see your record relative to a particular individual on games that you both played. Like I’d love to know what percentage of head-to-head Freecell matchups with @DDan I come out on top. I expect breaking 10% would be grounds for champagne!
Champagne is probably good just about anytime I beat the game
The problem with averages and leader board positions is that they can’t be locked in, they’re moveable feasts because the games never close so there’s always the potential for new players to alter the stats