back of cards are the canada flag, I'm American! I'd like to change to Stars and Stripes!

Game: klondike
Game #: 755825340
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Window: 1686x768
JS-Version: 2023-04-19_14:30:19_-0700_025b3de209596f6dbd725bc9d8b449eef1350c4d

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  • It really makes me sad to see how many unkind and bigoted people are out there. I have always thought that most of the GreenFelters were friendly and understanding. Especially on a site like this one, where everything is free and we’re not bombarded by ads, how can you complain about anything? Jim and David do an excellent job for us. How can we not show kindness to the rest of the world? The backs of the cards have nothing to do with the play of the game, so why all the fuss?
    The maple leaf instead of the heart just gives a little bit of a challenge and can make the game more interesting. Just wait till Tuesday when we get blue instead of black! Curb your prejudice for awhile and enjoy what you are offered for FREE.

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