it would be cool

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2011 in Feature Requests
It would be pretty cool if one could choose the background color, and also if there was variety in the looks of the card faces


    Mippy724 wrote:
    It would be pretty cool if one could choose the background color, and also if there was variety in the looks of the card faces
    You don't like the felt? :-) What would you prefer instead?

    We do have a little variety in the card faces (our holiday variations) but there's no easy way to choose it manually. I think the next one coming up are the Christmas colors (red and green instead of red and black).

    Here are some links to Sea Haven Towers with the different cards we have:

    April Fools
    4th Of July

    We would like to have more variations but it's a significant amount of effort to design new face cards (and neither Jim nor I are artists) so it's probably not in the cards (haha) for a while.


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