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Is there a cell phone directory?


  • I don't think you're allowed to call anyone in jail , but I could be mistaken . Glad you got the other one , you're pretty sharp , lol ...

  • Hah, funny. No, I mean a "cell phone" as in iPhone....not a "Jail cell phone". But I'm pretty sure you already know that. LOL

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited December 2022

    Worst scenario is if you call your lawyer from jail and it rings in the cell next door ..

    @justhere Google says that there isn’t a cell phone directory but if you know the number and you want to know who called, there are apps to help with a reverse number search

  • justherejusthere REGISTERED
    edited December 2022

    fingsaint, from your first comment, I can see this is going off the deep end. :). (Thanks for the info.). Also, I didn't realize I could google for this info. Still learn something new every day. :)

  • Sorry , justhere , it's been that kind of a day , I just couldn't resist . It won't (maybe ) happen again . Take care ...

  • No apology necessary, benturpin, I enjoy the banter. :)

  • And that's what I like about Greenfelters. You ask a question....you might get a straight answer, but then again.....LOL

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