Show score on Gap

Game: gaps
Game #: 1333292016

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I'm addicted to Gaps! Just not sure how you calculate the score - will be nice to show it updated 'per click' as you play. Thanks


  • Click on the Show Rules button over the cards.

    The score is based on the lengths of the runs of cards of the same suit:

    Number of cards in a run Resulting score
    13 13
    12 11
    11 9
    10 7
    9 6
    8 5
    7 4
    6 3
    5 2
    4 1
    3 0
    2 0
    1 0
    The max is 13 so that a complete game's score is 52, like the foundation based games. It's not linear so that it rewards games with longer runs.

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