
Game: addiction
Game #: 4034790294

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The score should be the number of cards that are correctly placed, not an arbitrary number based on who knows what.


  • kat14kat14 REGISTERED
    edited May 2022

    Look under "rules", then "scoring", copied below. Please read the last sentence.

    The score is based on the lengths of the runs of cards of the same suit:
    Number of cards in a run Resulting score
    13 .....13
    12 .....11
    11 .......9
    10 .......7
    9 ........6
    8 ........5
    7 ........4
    6 ........3
    5 ........2
    4 ........1
    3 ........0
    2 ........0
    1 ........0

    The max is 13 so that a complete game's score is 52, like the foundation based games.
    It's not linear so that it rewards games with longer runs.

  • Rules are so helpful...So many questions answered if one reads the rules before the game is played.
    Thanks for posting the scoring @kat14.

  • @Barzonymous and @kat14, it amazes me how so many players can play at all without help from folks like you. "Read the rules? What a novel idea." Of course the ones I like best are those who post a question, and then never read the helpful comments. And then post the question again!

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