Multiple cards move when I click on one card.

Game: klondike3
Game #: 1790951116
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36
Window: 1679x781
JS-Version: 2021-07-01_21:53:26_-0700_073f291b2e50363b317f3b2317168846c20d766a

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Hello, Game code writers.
I do NOT like that multiple cards automatically move when I click on just one card. I prefer to make my own move selections.
This has been occurring since I first began using your game on my laptop years ago, and I am finally angry enough to ask for a solution. I know it is not a big deal compared to World Peace, but would like a fix to this issue.
Thank you.
"Sandy in Olympia"


  • DeusExMachinaDeusExMachina REGISTERED
    edited March 2022

    Multiple cards should move only if you tap or click on a place where there’s no card (i.e., on the green felt) or deeper in the pile (i.e., not on the card that’s on top.)
    Each game has a Show Rules button that explains all about the game, including the Super Moves that result in the computer performing permissible moves. Here’s that section for Klondike:

    You can use super moves to make your game playing more efficient.

    Clicking or dragging a card that isn't immediately accessible will attempt to move all the cards above it in its stack until the move is valid. The effect will be the same as clicking each card. If you cancel the drag or undo the move, all the cards will go back to where they were.

    Dragging a card or cards to the middle of a stack will attempt to move all the cards above the destination out of the way. The effect is the same as clicking each card. To see where the cards will move, hold the dragged card(s) at the destination for a second. If you decide to move the dragged card(s) somewhere else, just drag them there and the other cards will go back to where they were. Undoing the move will also move the cards back.

    If you drag a card or cards to the middle of a stack and the cards that move away would be valid to move back on top of the dragged card(s), then they'll slide out of the way and let you just slip the card(s) in.

    Actually I see that clicking the felt is not considered a Super Move, and it’s covered under “Mouse Play”:

    There are ways to use the mouse to make your game playing more efficient:

    Left Click: Move the card to the most logical place (might not be the best move, however)
    Left Click in Empty Area: Auto-finish—In foundation games, this moves all the cards it can up to the foundations
    Right Click: Undo

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