Game 347392698 (Free Cell) lists "Trump=Criminal with the fastest time. That I.Dis offensive to me.

Game: freecell
Game #: 347392698
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:97.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/97.0
Window: 1349x579
JS-Version: 2021-07-01_21:53:26_-0700_073f291b2e50363b317f3b2317168846c20d766a

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • I remember that Green Felt would not allow political I.D.s Game 347392698 lists Trump=criminal at the top. Very offensive to me. I try to keep Green Felt as a fun gaming site and hope you will contact and correct this person. Thanks.

  • I'm no fan of DJT, but the wonderful thing about this site is that I can turn to it and cool my jets because there is nothing political about it.
    The user should re-think his login name

  • Will it still be offensively to you when trump has been convicted of various crimes. Because the evidence is mounting that he is a crook to his very core. He openly attempted to interfere in the outcome of the lawful election in Georgia: “ I just want to find 11,780 votes.” It is increasingly clear that he was part of a conspiracy to get republicans in numerous state to submit illegitimate slates of electors in order to gain up an excuse for former VP Pence to reject electors from all “contested” states, thereby swinging the election to The Biggest Loser.
    So if you’re offended by that user name, then (a) you should prepare yourself for a few bad days when twelve our fellow citizens find your hero guilty of major felonies, and (b) you might want to reevaluate what you consider offensive. Cuz I wager if a Democrat were guilty of what trump did, you’d be positively apoplectic.

    BTW, I agree that this site would be better if everyone kept politics out of their aliases.

  • I could not agree more with, AI_Terego :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

  • Can we all have a cup of tea? Or something stronger? And get back to playing cards, please.

  • Ahhhhh, tequila!! :)

  • That sounds like an excellent idea @sierrarose I'm having tea... Happy playing, everyone!

  • It is National Margarita Day.


    We don't have a super clear policy on names, but we mainly ban swears and slurs and such. We think political names are in poor taste but we currently aren't banning them.

  • Sorry guys. I deleted my comment because I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone and I know better. It was just a knee jerk reaction. I do believe it is National Margarita Day. CHEERS!!!!

  • Don't you just love the delete button.

    We just had elderflower margaritas. Wow, so tasty.

  • Listen losers what is the difference what name someone has to play a CARD game?

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