Listing by least amounts of moves.
Game: freecell
Game #: 1454876352
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I may be kwazy, but do players have some kind of software that plays the game for them? The lowest time for this last game was around 19 seconds. That player took102 moves. I only took 81 moves but I took two minutes longer then the winning person did. Is it possible for a human for play this game in around 20 seconds? It does not seem possible. Listing by least amount of moves may level the playing field?
Hi @ClayCardShark if you go to the solitaire section of frequently asked questions you will find an explanation about fast playing times along with accompanying videos
You can also rearrange the scorecard to show results by fastest time or by lowest number of moves by clicking on the header to select the preferred column

It is physically impossible for a PERSON to complete this game in 29 seconds unless they are having the computer play for them. Then they aren't playing, the computer is. I consider doing that cheating.
Hi @Sitza have you watched the videos where more than one PERSON manage to complete Freecell games in seconds? They are available in the link I posted in response to the earlier comment. Frequently Asked Questions - it’s a common misconception that fast times are physically impossible within the rules of the game.
Some games can be completed by human players in a lot less time than 29 seconds. And like @fingsaint and several dozen other people have pointed out in more than 20 posts, super moves is the answer. Look at the "Rules" above each game to see how they work.
Happy Holidays!
i have done games in under 20 seconds. no cheating. just enjoying the game. too bad you can not enjoy the game.