Listing players by who had the least moves, not the fastest time, or some kind of combination.

Game: freecell
Game #: 2141053707

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Seems like some players have an autoplay program that sorts the cards out in a matter of seconds. Cant believe anyone can play and win a game in 20 seconds. I just finished about half way on the list with my time, BUT, I had the least amount of moves. I beat the fastest score by five less moves. Can we have an option of showing results by who had the least moves AND the less time somehow?


  • If you click on the "moves" at the top of the scoreboard, it will list them fewest moves first, then by time. If you click on "time", it shows the fastest one first, but if there is a tie, it shows them in order of moves.

  • And it is not an autoplay program-it's Supermoves. You can find out in the RULES section above every game.

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