forty thieves

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1158747757

Is there an option that allows a stack of ordered cards to be moved? If not can one be added?


    alkerfn wrote:
    Game: fortythieves
    Game #: 1158747757

    Is there an option that allows a stack of ordered cards to be moved? If not can one be added?
    You can if there are any empty columns. The rules of Forty Thieves say you can only move one card at once but as a shortcut we let you move more than one if you could make the exact same overall move by doing several moves that only move one card at a time.

    If we change the game to let you move whole columns then it wouldn't be Forty Thieves any more (though it would be a lot easier).


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