Awesome Game

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2011 in Feature Requests
Hello,,I think you guys should put a game called "Faerie Solitare" on here,Its a wiked game> :D


    Hello,,I think you guys should put a game called "Faerie Solitare" on here,Its a wiked game> :D
    Interesting. It looks a bit like Puzzle Quest, in that it combines 2 disparate genres together into one game. I played a lot of Puzzle Quest myself so I can imagine how addicting it might have been. Does the main solitaire part of the game have different variations? Is it similar to any traditional solitaire games?

    To be honest, though I really like the idea of something like that, the scope of it is a little daunting. Especially because the non-solitaire part of the game lives on its aesthetics--as you might have noticed, Jim and I aren't the greatest artists. We know when something looks good, but it's hard for us to make things look good ourselves.

  • Hello,,I think you guys should put a game called "Faerie Solitare" on here,Its a wiked game> :D

    Yea its an interesting game. I also play this game. Its look like a puzzle game.

    printable Christmas games

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