please include total number of players who have correctly solved the game on your stats report.

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 2590355167

What would you like to see?


  • That would be interesting.

  • The individual games tally shows on "top" as more users play. Are you after the "Game of the Day" tallies?

    edited July 2021

    This is my usual response to such requests: Why? How is knowing this going to improve your playing?

  • Echoing the "why?"

  • Why ask why?

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    Hi @shamokinman yes, that would be an interesting statistic especially for the popular games like freecell, seahaven and klondike where the top ten scores are such a small proportion of the total number of successful players.

    Although I’m not sure how practical the stat would be because it would only be a snapshot at that particular moment in time when a player finished a game e.g. if you were early to the game, and only twenty people had played, the stat would be incomparable to the same stat an hour later for the same game after hundreds of players had played.

  • Useless, except for that moment. So I echo, ...why?

  • Hi @gmaterre because sometimes people find this sort of thing interesting, no everyone admittedly but each to their own

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