Relocate or remove the Game of the Day tab PLEASE!!!!

Game: freecell
Game #: 3577949754

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    There should be a little X on it that you can click to (temporarily) remove it.

  • @david: a little X to remove the Game of the Day tab”?
    There’s an X to close the banner along the bottom where you moved the links for logging a bug or requesting a feature. And of course in the “You won” popup. But I don’t even know what the poster means by GotD tab—much less why he or she wants it gone.

  • I assume he means the bright orange button up in the row that begins with "New Game" it is rather bright, but I don't see it as a problem.
    What David is talking about is the little x at the far left at the very bottom of the screen.

  • Maybe this person accidentally clicks on the bright orange "Game of the Day" tab when playing-which interrupts and starts a new game.

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