What percentile is my score?

Game: freecell
Game #: 1751908836

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I divide my score by the total number of players to determine how I did percentage-wise. I do this in my head, however, the app could do this, too. "You placed 130th out of 2860 (4.5%)," for example. Thanks!


  • @cfrell: Before you put much weight on the percentile, try this: avoid finishing a game by supermoves & instead play the cards one by one. When just one card is left, tap “Give Up.”
    What you’ll find is that a significant number of the total are uncompleted games. This uncompleted games fall into at least 3 buckets:
    1. The player restarted because either she ran into a wall (and didn’t want to resort to Undo) or her time wasn’t fast enough to be competitive
    2. the player gave up altogether and loaded a new game
    3. The player realized she had cleared the last hurdle and moved on without crossing the finish line.

    I just did this with two games:

    • An easy one where the top 10 were all between 23 and 43 seconds. My place with 51 cards played was 1272 out of 1673, or 76th percentile.
    • A harder game with times ranging from 53 to 69 seconds. with a score of 51, I came in 91st out of 323, 28th percentile.

    Without knowing this data point for a game—and how to interpret it—your percentile is pretty meaningless.
    On top of all that, many players who do finish are simply in no hurry. What does it really mean to place higher than someone who isn’t competing?

  • @DeusExMachina Thank you for this. I am aware of the many unfinished games. And I'm not in a hurry, I like to avoid getting stuck. AND, as a numbers guy, when I see "X of Y" I want a quotient. I do it in my head, and it's probably healthier that way, keeps me thinking. But no matter who's playing and why, that quotient to me is always meaningful.

    And kudos to you for all you put into this, we, the masses, ARE entertained :--)

  • Cfrell, I do the same thing.

  • Well, you also have to factor in the games you played really slowly, because your overly invested cat blocked the screen. That's my story.

  • As for placement, how about the top of the leader board saying, "You beat 56% of 24,254 players" and then showing the actual score below as it does now.

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