New statistics in "High Scores" popup

Jim and Dave, my hat's off to you for trying to please everyone all the time with the new "Show anonymous players" check box. I wish you well with this B^) I found that I had always ignored the number of players I was ranked against because it was pretty big and was as confused as anyone when the number became significantly smaller. And now I can't stop looking at them! (yes, I understand why the change happened now)

Which brings me to my feature request.... Why can't you have the "High Scores" button also display the number of players you are ranked against in the same way you display it when you win or give up a game. The game number that is displayed is available elsewhere on the screen, so doesn't really add anything. Maybe you could display "High Scores out of NNN Players" or something. The reason this would be nice is that I play relatively early in the "game of the day" cycle so that I have no way of finding out how many players are ranked if I check back later. Since the displays are similar, I thought it might be a pretty simple change.

Thanks for your amazing dedication to this site!


  • Jim and Dave, given all the static and confusion about anonymous players, it looks like you need a "count anonymous players" button to go with your "show anonymous players" button. B^) Aren't you sorry you tried to satisfy everyone now??? I think it's impossible B^(

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