Show number of times played in the High Scores popup

After you win a game, the Top 10 list shows how many times the game has been played. I’d like the same data point to be shown in the version that’s invoked by the High Scores button. This info is of interest for at least a couple of reasons. I’ll mention just one: Say I find a game challenging enough to be a candidate for the “This game’s a bear.” But if not many people have won the game, I’m inclined to wait and see whether others likewise found it difficult. The trouble is that when I check back in later, the dialog doesn’t tell me how many times it was played, so I’m missing a key data points for interpreting the fastest times.
If you entertain this suggestion, the number of plays could go in place of the game number, which serves no real purpose that I can think of in this dialog (and is displayed elsewhere anyway).

While I’m at it, I’d also like to see the number of times the game has been completed (or better still, the number of unique players who have finished it). This is especially of interest with games that many players started numerous times, like difficult games and the GotD.
Thanks as always for this wonderful site and for your time and commitment.


  • I have always wished that the number of players(or times played) showed up in the GOTD screen. If I am #200 of out 10,000 then I feel as if I did fairly well but...If I am #200 out of 250...then not so well.

  • I second this request. I had not noticed that you just get the game number with the High Scores button if you want to check back rather than the total number of players in the list. Now it sticks in my craw when I see that B^)

    Did the top ten list just get expanded? It seems to now show some of the other scores around where you ranked (outside the top ten) rather than just the top ten and all of your own scores (whether or not you made the top ten). Just curious....

  • Hi @dbwoerner yes, the scorecard was expanded in response to a feature request

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