Miss the old Olympian back

Game: spider2
Game #: 2123561088

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I love your site and appreciate so much your making it free for us to use. However, there has been a recent change that I hope you'll reconsider. Seeing a contrast between the front and backs of the cards takes away from the serenity I have enjoyed when playing games that display the backs. Consequently, I really appreciated the white Olympian circle that actually showed an all white background when stacked. Please consider giving us this option again. I am now using the penguin, but seeing the top of his head still is a bit jarring. I'm playing a LOT of cards during these days that have minimized personal interaction so much, so it's really more significant than you might imagine. Again, though, thank you so much for your site.


  • CindyinSeattleCindyinSeattle REGISTERED
    edited March 2021

    I also get distracted when I see too much of the design on the back of the cards. I switched to the map of France so all I see is a light blue with a tiny spot of white when they are stacked.

    And speaking of card backs, I swear I'm losing my mind...I went to look at the current options and don't see where to select the design. OK, I found it again. For some reason I couldn't scroll up high enough. My brain is bad.

  • Personally, I like Blue Helix. If you really want to scramble your brains, try the Union Jack. Practically made my eyes cross! I loved it! Really got my attention. :)

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