PLEASE Move the Distracting Bar on the Bottom of This Game

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JS-Version: 2021-03-24_08:39:12_-0700_738678aebb7d9d95db0fee2b89e5debaaa065911

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

**AAGH, don't remember this horizontal info bar being on the bottom before. :| ****
BUT whatever the case, it's very distracting - can you move it to the top? :) **

1024 x 685 - 765K



    It's new. It was at the top but people were (rightly) complaining that it was too close to the undo/redo buttons so we moved it to the bottom…

  • I prefer the new location in principle. Alas, in practice it doesn’t function on my iPad. I suspect iOS is eating taps because your controls are down in territory reserved for the App Switcher bar.

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