where's the leader board?

Game: golf
Game #: 211859043

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  • On the top row of the Greenfelt game page, it is the top right item ;)

  • Hi @Cynethryth9 on the home page at the top left next to the words Green Felt you will see a stack of three horizontal lines -known as a hamburger menu - click on the three lines and a drop-down menu will appear with Leader Board as one of the selections to click on.

  • Hi @nt599 I’ve just found out why you could see the leader board tab on the top right of the screen and I couldn’t. Seems that with an iPad in portrait position the Green Felt homepage has the hamburger menu in the top left (as explained to Cynethryth9) but when I turn to landscape mode the hamburger symbol disappears and the Messages, FAQ and Leader Board buttons appear across the top.

    Snazzy 😎

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