Changes stink for kindle fire

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1785552928

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These recent changes do not work well with kindle fire. Please fix them.


  • @mudiel Speaking as a software quality engineer—who’s just another user here on the Greenfelt site—this kind of feedback is not actionable. If you want Jim and David to make improvements to the new design, you’re going to have to get specific.
    Here’s an example:
    1. on an iPad, go to Hopeless with the device in landscape
    2. Rotate the device to portrait orientation

    Game does not resize to the new screen orientation, so the Start Game and Colors controls are hidden. See

    page should relayout properly for the new orientation.

    It also helps to avoid language like “stinks”

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited March 2021

    I think Kindle Fires are not like iPads. It's a lot harder to work with them (in my experience). This player may need a little more help with this. I hope he explains the problem he is having.

    I understand you are only using this as an example, but it may not be understood that way.

  • Good call, @barzonymous. Yes, the issue I called out was meant only as an example of what bug reports look like in the software world. I definitely didn’t mean to suggest that “my” bug was at all related to mudiel’s.

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