The top bar now takes up two or three rows, too much room on my small phone. Please allow resizing

Game: freecell
Game #: 1686386817

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  • I absolutely agree.
    My phone is not that small but for me this does not work :(
    Can we please have the old menubar back?

  • Exactly...can’t play on phone.

  • I am also playing on a phone. The new menu bar just doesn’t work. Too big! I’m really struggling.

  • I’m also having trouble seeing the scores. It won’t re-size to fit on my phone screen. ☹️

  • I don't play on a phone but for the record, I don't like it either. I had to reset font sizes but can't quite get it just right.


    We're not going to go back, but we are going to fix the automatic card sizes being way too small. We were looking at it this afternoon, but we don't have a fix quite yet.

    The revamped navigation bar is the first step towards making the game usuable on phones, though at the moment everything under the nav bar is maybe a bit of a step backwards. The next thing we want to tackle is the control panel (the part that's wrapping badly now on mobile), and like I mentioned, the card size detection.

  • I like it on my iPad. :)

  • I have faith in you @David. I, also use my phone (don't have PC or tablet). I can see the value though in the new menu bar. I'll be patient.

  • Love the new leader board. Easier to read and work with. Thanks 😎

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