high scores for each game
Game: freecell
Game #: 887680003
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Game #: 887680003
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Do you mean a single high score table for all the game numbers (deals) of one solitaire game?
We considered that when we first built the site. The trouble is that some deals are easier than other deals so the high scores will always be skewed towards these easy games. And it's just luck of the draw whether you get an easy deal or not. That's why we decided to segregate the scores based on deals. Then we added the "Game of the day" so that lots of people would get the same deal and be able to compare their scores against each other. Finally, we made it so that the site tries to give you deals that someone else has already played. That was you can see if it's passable or not and you get a nice list of high scores to beat.
If you haven't already, check out the leader board.