Games are still playable

fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
edited March 2021 in Bug Reports

Looks like the Kings think they’re Queens and vice versa. So if you bear that in mind then the games are still playable.

Here’s a Freecell game just before auto-finish

and here it is after auto-finish activated


  • Maybe it's not broken and they intended to make the female card the supreme ruler. Bumped the do-nothing king down to royal escort.

  • @Imposter isn’t it International Women’s Day? I think you’ve cracked the code!

  • That has to be it. This is like the crazy holiday cards only Jim and David are getting more creative. Sneakier. I like it.


    That's a good idea but it's way too confusing. It was an unintentional bug and should be fixed now.

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