
Everything is working beautifully today! Thank you thank you she cried. Where may i send a donation? do you have a paypal account?


  • What's the deal? I'm not logged in!!!! I haven't logged out.


  • Me too -- I have been enjoying the site for some time now and wondering if it would be fixed. Thanks!!

  • I am willing to give a donation, too

  • Glad to make a donation. Where? How? PayPal would be great. Thanks for the fix!

  • I'm 76. Been playing this for a year. Listened to all the complaining that it wasn't working right. Like the users are thinking they are "entitled for it to run perfectly" even tho they don't contribute a nickle toward it. Even now complaining that they didn't log out. Really sad. Anyway I THANK YOU for having this site for us to enjoy. Just being able to play without a worn out deck of cards in arthritic hands is great. Who cares whether you are the highest score?? It's a game, not a life or death situation. It is a good suggestion that we could contribute somehow to help defray the costs. Thank You and may God Bless you and yours.

  • I'd like to add my thanks for the fix. It's a great site and I'm happy to see it working well again. We all appreciate the effort you all put in to making a place for us to enjoy our games!!!!!

  • Donations are a good idea. I'm for it.

  • Great!!!!! Where can I donate; thanks for a great site

  • Thank you Green Felt.
    You folks are simply amazing.

  • winning and losing, and smiling.

  • Thank you for creating this amazing solitaire environment. I truly appreciate the ad-free, stable game-space you have provided, for free, for years. I am so grateful to you for providing a non money-hungry solitaire gaming spacing. It has such a nice clean look without a million banners, footers and pop-ups. Thank you for the fix too.

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