Link back to games on new forum?

I love the format of the new forum.  It's easy to negotiate, looks clean, and is very fast.  But I can't find a link back to the games anywhere.  If there is one, will somebody please point it out to me?  If not, then could we get that link on each page? 

Thank you.


  • Yep, I noticed that too.
    Oh, good point. We're still messing around with the theme. It's likely the current look won't be permanent. I'd like our logo (which should link to the main site) and at least taste of the felt background somewhere.
  • I think the logo at the top (or elsewhere) would be a good way to link back.  I actually like the white pages of the forum better than the felt.  If you want to put the felt in, put it in as background across the top of the page.  That would be just enough to let everybody know they are basically part of the same site but have different functions.
  • I'm playing on an iPhone, and can get back using the back arrow.
  • 3be, yes, that works great if you are only over here reading one post or thread.  But if you are scanning the board and making a comment or two here and there, it will be a lot harder and time-consuming to do it.  Who wants to hit the back arrow half a dozen times to get back?
  • I'd actually prefer the white or at least a very pale green for the game background - would make it less obvious I'm in a game rather than a work spreadsheet...naughty! ;-)

    Ok, I played around with the theme and arrived at something I'm vaguely happy with. The Green Felt logo at the top should take you back to the main site.
  • Looks good and the link works.  Thanks, david!

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