How To Win More Games

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 3912585163

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<!-- I don't mind loosing so many games but was wondering if there would be a way to see how those that win consistently do it? I've watched closely, gone back and replayed a game to make sure I've played every card I could and yet, when I finally give up, I see I have 50+ cards played and others have won with 104. I'd just like to know how the heck they did it.


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  • You only arrived a few days ago. Many of us have been playing on this site regularly for years. The answer to how to win more games is practice, practice, practice, and finding the games you enjoy and play well. Happy playing!

  • Well, I've been playing Forty Thieves over a year since my last comments and while I'm doing better I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I've read the rules and am confused by the "super moves." I've tried dragging the cards to the middle of a stack but it never works for me. Would someone who uses that feature please explain to me how it's supposed to work? I feel like many of us with 40-50 card differences in out score and those who regularly beat the game with a score of 104 just don't understand how some of the moves are supposed to work.

  • @hotmamastew I'll give it a shot at trying to explain Super Moves. Say you have 4 cards in a ccolum: Ace, 10, 5, 2 (top to bottom.) After you've studied, studied, studied the board you realize the 2 can go to an Ace which has already been played. The 5 can go on top of a 6 in a column to the left, the 10 can go on a Jack in a column to the right, and then the Ace will be moved to the top. With one click on the Ace, all 4 cards will 'super move.' So in Number of Moves you have added only 1 vs 4 moves. Plus you have done this quickly - moving 4 cards in one stroke. The practice, practice, practice part is "seeing" the opportunity for the super move.

    I play Forty Thieves slowly because it takes me a long time to "see" opportunities, plus I use a mouse. The fastest players use a touch screen and have better hand/eye coordination than me. :) Hope this helps.

  • @sierrarose - thanks for responding. I play slowly with a mouse as well and I have even played the same game over & over trying to figure out how I got 60 and others got 104. It's frustrating.

    Could someone tell me if they use this super move? "If you drag a card or cards to the middle of a stack and the cards that move away would be valid to move back on top of the dragged card(s), then they'll slide out of the way and let you just slip the card(s) in." Can someone tell me exactly how this one works?

  • @hotmamastew It looks like you are confusing terms in 40 Thieves. 104 is the highest score available. The number of moves is endless. If no one has a score of 104, I generally move on to another game. Sometimes I will look to see if Anonymous has scored 104, then I'll try again. The number of moves it takes to win a game is usually in a range of 210+. I undo and redo until I win or have to do something else away from the computer. I'm not sure if Super Moves works in 40 Thieves. To me, that's something for Free Cell. Good luck. Keep playing.

  • Supermoves work in 40 Thieves.

    Also 104 is the maximum number of cards that can be moved to the "top." That being the total of both decks. As Jezzbelle said, it can take many, many moves to get all the cards to the "top." If you look at the top 10 winners (those scoring 104 cards), often the number of moves is between 200-250.

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